Pacific Coast Management provides multiple services to pursue the collection of assessments in order to maintain the community association’s financial stability. We have determined that monthly billing is both an effective means of maintaining this financial stability, as well as a consistent reminder to Homeowners of their impact on the collection of assessments for the Associations.
We offer several convenient options for Homeowners to pay their dues. Homeowners are able to pay online through the checking account (no charge), or with a credit card (small fee) via Mission Association Financial. This is an offsite affiliate that our company uses for every aspect of accounting. Homeowners can also access their account online through Another means of paying dues is setting up auto-payment account, after first completing and submitting the proper form to Pacific Coast Management. Finally, a Homeowner can choose to mail in a check instead of online payments.
Our company manages the Association’s assessment and collection policy with direction of the Board through the lien process. From there, the accounts that move into foreclosure are then turned over to the Association’s collection attorney.
At the Board of Directors meetings, Pacific Coast Management includes a delinquency aging and collection status report within the Directors Report.